Training program

ZW3D CAM Milling

Duration: 3 days

Day 1

General information :

  • Presentation of the workspace
  • Menu bar, toolbar, display tools, selection tools
  • Creation tree
  • Getting to grips with the software and using basic commands
  • Graphic manipulation tools: Zoom / Rotate / Pan
  • Selections, helpers, shortcuts
  • Introduction to modeling
Day 2

CAD Required for CAM :

  • Introduction to sketching tools (lines, polylines, arcs, rectangles, etc.)
  • Analysis of the different states of a sketch
  • Moving parts to main origin
  • Application exercises for the creation of any Brut
  • Manage model classes (part, raw, environment, etc.)

Administration FAO :

  • Creation of machining plans and set-up of workpiece origin
  • Creating a tool library
  • Creating a machine library
  • Toolpath editor
  • Creation of machining routines
  • Generation of iso program and routing sheet
Day 3

2.5-axis machining :


  • Drilling operations :
    • Creating a clocking cycle
    • Creation of a drilling cycle (normal chip breaking or deburring)
    • Creation of a normal boring cycle
    • Creation of a grain boring cycle
    • Creating a facing cycle
    • Creating a chamfering cycle
    • Creating a tapping cycle
  • 2-axis operations :
    • Creating a pocket cycle
    • Creating a rough contouring cycle
    • Creation of a finishing contouring cycle
    • Creating an edge chamfering cycle
    • Creating a thread milling cycle
    • Creation of a ramp contouring cycle
    • Creating a surfacing cycle
  • 3-axis machining :
    • Creation of an automatic roughing cycle
    • Creation of a surface sweep cycle
    • Creation of a constant Z machining cycle
    • Creating a curve-following cycle
    • Creation of a bi-tangency cycle
    • Create a sweep cycle between curves
    • Creating a surfacing cycle